Thursday, January 9, 2025


Hercules (Dan Vadis) is wakened up by the Annoying Sidekick (John Simons) in HERCULES THE INVINCIBLE (1964)

It's also known as HERCULES IN THE LAND OF DARKNESS and that title is so apt. The movie looks grim. I'm not saying the movie is grim. It's not. It's fun and quite elaborate. But the setting (caves) and the weather. It looked like the a cold and bleak shoot. Whatever they were paid, it wasn't enough. Anyway, in this scene Hercules is knocked out not by some wine laced with a sleeping potion but by some incense and its smoke, which is refreshingly different. The Annoying Sidekick (see article) is played by John Simons which is not his name. In this movie, Dan really showcases his athletic abilities. I really like this. Side note: the new banner for the blog for 2025 is from this movie.

1 comment:

  1. Cool new banner for 2025 !
    My interpretation: JD, like Atlas, supporting the whole weight of Peplum
