Monday, January 6, 2025


Demetrius (Victor Mature) is seduced by Messalina (Susan Hayward) in DEMETRIUS AND THE GLADIATORS (1954)

A rare case where the sequel is better than the first film. THE ROBE (1953) was the first movie and I like it but this sequel is more entertaining and engaging. Victor Mature is no replacement for Richard Burton but the he's believable as a slave/gladiator. Susan's version of Messalina is a bit too chase (it was made in the 1950s) but she's quite fun to watch. One of the problems with the relationship between Demetrius and Messalina is it's a bit undefined. She corrupts him and his beliefs, which to be expected but aside from that and the obvious physical attraction, it doesn't go deeper than that. This screenshot is from the US Blu-ray. Aside from the resolution, it's the same as the DVD. No big upgrade.

1 comment:

  1. In my mind, Belinda Lee was the best Messalina. I think it had to do with facial features and a certain, dare I say, 'hungry' look.

    All the best for the new year.

    Typo corrections needed, I think:

    "but theN he's believable as a slave/gladiator. "
    "is a bit too chasTe "
    "beliefs, which IS to be expected"
