Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Recent acquisitions!

A new topic added to the blog. I should have done this since the beginning.

Aside from the bunch of Blu-rays and DVDs I got from Amazon in Germany and France (see photo above), I also got a bunch of new prints added to my collection!

A couple of months ago, I got:

L'APOCALISSE (The Apocalypse - 1947). Super rare film. Quite fascinating. I have a full review in the upcoming issue of BY THE GODS!

THE PHARAOHS' WOMAN (1960) - In widescreen. Image is murky but it's much better than the 4:3 print I posted on Youtube back 16 years ago. My friend in Europe did a great Fan Dub with it, adding the English audio.

CATHERINE OF RUSSIA (1963) - English audio from a cheapo Greek DVD. 


THE GOLDEN FALCON (1955) - Original print in English with credits in English!  A great addition. The file though is massive (12 gb)

THE BARBARIANS (1953) - In Italian. Oddly enough, I only had the English prints for years. Usually, it's the other way around.

Alan Steel and Elisa Montez

SAMSON AND THE MIGHTY CHALLENGE (1964; above) - Print in English with English credits. The print is not pristine but it's nice to see it in semi-widescreen in English! 

A SWORD IN THE SHADOWS (1961) - A great print in Italian. My friend in Europe added the English audio to it. No need to watch the terrible VHS print.

THE GOLDEN SALAMANDER (1962) - Beautiful print with new subs added. I have yet to watch it.

JACOB AND ESAU (1963) - Another super rare film. I now have two prints, both in Black & white even though movie was shot in color. Great to have this movie starring Ken Clark but I need a better print.

APHRODITE - GODDES OF LOVE (1958) - I already had multiple versions of this movie but I finally got an English Fan Dub!

I got a bunch of new acquisitions last week so I'll post about them in a new post which should be once a month (I'll post about them as long as I get stuff of course). And I'll post about those new Blu-rays and DVDs as well.

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