Monday, October 14, 2024


Livio Lorenzon and Tamara Lees in A SWORD IN THE SHADOWS (1961) 

This is a fun movie with a lot of twists and turns. It's also the last film of Tamara Lees, who started acting in the late 1940s, mainly playing the exotic mysterious femme fatale type. It worked: she was statuesque and mysterious looking. Her role in THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF GUERRIN MESCHINO (1952) sums up her career. By the time she appeared in this movie, she was more the frumpy, matronly type. It's not surprising she quit acting. I know very little of her. She has a career that sorta paralleled the one of Gianna Maria Canale, who also stopped acting in the same period. I got a new copy of this movie which is a vast improvement over the VHS quality English version I had. This version is in Italian.

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