Monday, August 5, 2024

PEPLUM Movie Poster

Original Italian poster of THE FIGHTING COSSACKS (1962) 

Nice artwork...but would this poster make you want to see the movie?


Anonymous said...

Two films with 'Taras Bulba' in the title, both released in 1962. Was it a simple coincidence? According to Wikipedia, this one was released 3 months before the one from Hollywood.

PEPLUM TV said...

From experience with the genre, a PEPLUM movie is made quickly. Hollywood movies are often advertised months sometimes years in advance. CLEOPATRA started in 1960 and was released in 1963. TARAS BULBA production was green lighted in January 1959, 3 years before its 1962 release. The smaller PEPLUM movie can be made and release before the big one. Same thing happened with Fellini's SATYRICON. A smaller Satyricon movie was made and released before the Fellini movie. The producer sued the smaller movie but lost. Both films were released in 1969. The smaller movie was released in March and the Fellini movie later in the fall.