Thursday, August 29, 2024


Queen Gaia (Nadia Sanders) and Jason (Roland Carey) meet in THE GIANTS OF THESSALY (1960)

Jason ends up on an all-female society ruled by Queen Gaia, who explains her fate. Of course, there's something sinister underneath all of this to explain how an all female society survived. The entire scene is pretty entertaining with obvious nods to HERCULES (1958) and its Amazon scene. Are they comparable? No. The women on this island are witches while in HERCULES they were Amazon warriors. Gaia is an old woman who retains her youthful beauty by magic and potions from Apollo. According to prophecy, if Gaia is able to seduce Jason, she'll be immortal and live in eternal beauty. Of course, things do go according to plan. I like stuff like this. This film needs to be in HD already. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On Jason and the women of the isle of Lemnos: