Thursday, August 1, 2024


A scene from THOSE ABOUT TO DIE (2024)

A new TV series on gladiators. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Vespasian. This is Sara Martins in the image above. I know little about it. Will I watch it? I doubt it. 😂 I don't want to get my hopes too high but I assume it's going to be the typical political correct style of today, which is boring. Reviews at IMDb are mostly not encouraging. I wish there was something cool today like those old movies but alas...great title though.


Joseph said...

Actually pretty good. Mostly historically accurate, except the fate of Titus at the end. The only backgrounds that looked fakey were the larger panoramas. Goes in much detail about the hippodrome business and how it was a much bigger deal than the arena. Circus Maximus=football, Flavian Amphitheatre=baseball. Lots of scenes of homes of common folk which you ordinarily do not see.

Joseph said...

Also meant to say way better than the "Gladiator" movie.

Graham Sumner said...

Once you get past the first episode it is quite entertaining.

Off hand I don't think any other movie or TV series shows that chariots were raced by drivers in teams representing factions rather than as individuals. so for that alone it is worth watching.