Monday, December 30, 2024

Happy New Year!


I take a break roughly every two months so this is that time again. I will be back next year (haha)! Or next week. 

Because Christmas and New Years occurred right in the middle of the week it made it hard to post anyway. I will have new stuff to cover, including the Spanish Blu-ray of HERCULES UNCHAINED (fingers crossed!).

So stay tuned!

I'll leave you now with King Leonidas (Richard Egan) from THE 300 SPARTANS (1962), saying "From this wall, we do not retreat!"

Friday, December 27, 2024

Image of the week!

Cleopatra (Sophia Loren) has a secret meeting with Mark Antony (Ettore Manni) while the fake Cleopatra is in Alexandria in TWO NIGHTS WITH CLEOPATRA (1954)

Lobby Cards Set: THE GIANT OF MARATHON (1959)

Original Italian lobby card set of THE GIANT OF MARATHON (1959) starring Steve Reeves, Mylene Demongeot, Alberto Lupo, etc.This set has additional cards not seen in another set I posted about. It has amazing scenes in this one. Near perfect set. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and joyous holidays!

About those Artus Films HERCULES Blu-rays...

I just learned that the source of the new Blu-ray releases of HERCULES (1958) and HERCULES UNCHAINED (1959) will come from the BFI, or the British Film Institute (thanks John). It seems a certain person told Artus Films about these prints, which are apparently in much better condition than the ones that they tried to use but had to cancel the release a couple of years ago. This information was posted at an online forum. We will have to wait and see. This new development raises questions and issues/problems.

There are two English versions of HERCULES: the International English (IE) version recorded in Rome and the so-called Avco Embassy version which was created for the US/Canadian market. Of the two, the Avco Embassy version is the best. The US version also had a different opening (partially animated) and closing credits. The US version starts with Joseph E. Levine presents while the original IE one doesn't (as with the Japanese Blu-rays).

HERCULES was released in the UK before the Avco Embassy version was available. This means the UK version is the IE version made in Rome (without the Joseph E. Levine...). 

Now Artus Films releases usually do not include the English tracks. If they're using the one from the BFI, that means Artus Films will have to add the French and Italian audios to it. This means the Blu-rays will basically be Fan Dubs.  

I'm writing this to forewarn everyone of what to expect. My expectations are not high. If the BFI are indeed in good shape, this is very cool (and hopefully better than the Japanese Blu-rays). But the audio issues is a bit odd: a British print to be used for a French release that doesn't include the English audio.

Monday, December 23, 2024


Mary (José Greci) and Joseph (Laurence Payne) are greeted by the Three Kings in BEN-HUR (1959)

Great scene from a great movie. It's a shame there aren't that many PEPLUM movies or TV shows that celebrate the birth of Jesus. Maybe I should do a list. It's so awkward to post anything during these festive last two weeks of December. This was José Greci's first role. She would eventually become a PEPLUM star in her own right.

PEPLUM Movie Poster

German poster of THE THIEF OF BAGHDAD (1961) 

Steve Reeves' costume is actually blue. Almost all the poster have him in red. It's odd. Still, a very colourful poster.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Image of the week!

Emiliano (Steve Reeves), the Goliath, helps Landa (Chelo Alonso) in GOLIATH AND THE BARBARIANS (1959)

At the movies...

Crowds gathering in Time Square for New Year's Eve celebrations with QUO VADIS (1951) playing at the Astor theatre.

Thursday, December 19, 2024


Gloria Milland and Mark Forest in HERCULES AGAINST THE BARBARIANS (1964)

I really like this film. The new German Blu-ray is excellent. But this scene, even with the nice Blu-ray transfer, always looks problematic. The two are crossing a river of fire on a makeshift bridge created by Hercules. It's the way the scene was filmed is the reason why this scene looks less than sharp. The scene is good, as with the entire colourful film. Even if Milland's character spends the most time with Hercules, she's not Hercules' love interest. It's a fascinating movie when it's juxtaposed with HERCULES AGAINST THE MONGOLS (almost the same cast, same director; filmed back to back). The contrast is amazing. 


Gordon Scott getting ready on the set of GOLIATH AND THE VAMPIRES (1961)

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

HD Alert!

Thanks to a comment made here, it seems Artus Films Blu-ray releases of HERCULES (1958) and HERCULES UNCHAINED (1959) will be available in March 2025. As previously reported at my BY THE GODS! blog, those BD releases had already been set but it fell through. This was back in 2021! So, hopefully this time Artus Films will succeed. And hopefully, the prints will be different than the ones on DVD in France or the Japanese Blu-ray versions, which I don't care for. Anyway, I checked the internet and couldn't find any confirmation of this. I'm just relying on the comment posted here on the blog. I assume the packaging from the aborted first release will be used for this one which is why I've included them here.

Addendum: the movies are not listed at Artus Films' website but they are listed at Amazon France (thanks to the anonymous comment): HERCULES and HERCULES UNCHAINED.

And another seller, CINEFEEL (thanks Paul)

They're actually trying to sell these as Mario Bava movies.

Then & Now: Beba Loncar

Beba in IN THE SHADOW OF THE EAGLES (1966); a recent photo of Beba.

Monday, December 16, 2024


Beba Loncar and Cameron Mitchell in IN THE SHADOW OF THE EAGLES (1966)

Any fans out there of this movie? I'm not trying to make fun of it. I'm just asking. This PEPLUM is the closest thing to a regular drama/melodrama. I like it but it's serious and short on fun PEPLUM clichés. The movie always had great prints. Even the cheap Greek DVD was pristine. But, as far as I know, it hasn't been seen in HD yet. One of many PEPLUM movies Cameron made after his career in Hollywood fizzled even after appearing in movies like CAROUSEL (1956). 

PEPLUM Movie Poster

Original Italian poster of THREE SWORDS FOR ROME (1964)

Mimmo is clearly there but hard to make out Roger Browne and Mario Novelli. Nice poster nonetheless.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Image of the week!

A wounded El Kebir (Mark Damon) is nursed by Meroe (Samira Ahmed) after he was whipped in THE SON OF CLEOPATRA (1964)

Muscles Inc.

 Steve Reeves on the cover of an old French magazine. The Hercules of Cinema!

Thursday, December 12, 2024


Kirk Morris and Barbara Loy in MACISTE - AVENGER OF THE MAYANS (1965)

Not the greatest PEPLUM movie by any means. It's still entertaining but also confusing. It's one of those PEPLUM movies with a hero in the title that doesn't match the name in the movie itself. It's MACISTE but in the movie, Kirk is called HERCULES. It's a mishmash of scenes from different movies, one starring Kirk, with new scene (like this one) all stitched together in a bizarre film experience. Kirk looks like Elvis Presley. His hair in the new scenes doesn't match the hair in the scenes from those different movies. A mess of sorts but fun to watch for fans of the genre.


Richard Gere and director Bruce Beresford setting up a scene on the set of KING DAVID (1985)

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Orgy! With Gustavo Rojo, Mario Petri, Piero Lulli and Abbe Lane!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


Scenes from CAESAR THE CONQUEROR (1962)

Atmospheric matte paintings from this 'modest' movie. One could barely see these matte paintings in public domain print but now with better print available, one can see the amount of details put into this production. Quite subtle. Joseph Nathanson is the artist behind these very good matte works.

Antiquity recreated by AI

There's talk about TikTok being banned in the US. I doubt it will happen since the new president is against it. We will have to see. It would be sad if it was blocked because there's so much fun stuff on it, for PEPLUM fans like me. There are several accounts which recreate ancient civilizations with the help of AI.




Monday, December 9, 2024


Sylvia Lopez as Queen Omphale in HERCULES UNCHAINED (1959) 

How do you view Omphale in this movie? Is she evil? A villainess? A tragic figure? Do you view her in a sympathetic way? I love the way director Francisci filmed her character. In an ambiguous way. But I can't feel too bad for her since her self interest almost started a major conflict. Was he affection for Hercules genuine or same as usual? She seemed to be in love with Hercules but the Queen lost her sense of judgment towards her Kingdom, which makes her sorta selfish.

PEPLUM Movie Poster

Original Italian poster of AENEID (1971)

Originally this was a TV miniseries but they edited down to a feature length movie. I have the series (I will get the DVD set one day...) but I don't have this movie version

Friday, December 6, 2024

Image of the week!

Theodora (Gianna Maria Canale) is chained by the giant (Umberto Silvestri) knowing all too well her imprisonment won't last in THEODORA - SLAVE EMPRESS (1954; from HD source - click image)

Lobby Cards Set: THE WHITE WARRIOR (1959)

Original Italian lobby cards of THE WHITE WARRIOR (1959) starring Steve Reeves. A different kind of lobby cards set with photos and photo montages. I can't say I'm a fan of this. Nice set otherwise, with a good set of images.

Thursday, December 5, 2024


Edmund Purdom and George Ardisson in THE LAST OF THE VIKINGS (1961) 

Even though with the growing number of titles on Blu-ray (mostly from Europe), the PEPLUM genre in general has been neglected. Of the sub-genres, the Vikings category has been really neglected. We're in 2024, soon to be 2025, and yet this movie is still not on Blu-ray or HD streaming. This scene was recreated (aka stolen), almost scene by scene, for a GAME OF THRONES episode. It's really amazing. Edmund plays a crazed King. He's really quite entertaining. This entire scene and the scene following this one make the movie. It's harrowing even with Edmund's OTT acting. 


Director Brett Ratner chats with Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson on the set of HERCULES (2014)

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Recent acquisitions!

A new topic added to the blog. I should have done this since the beginning.

Aside from the bunch of Blu-rays and DVDs I got from Amazon in Germany and France (see photo above), I also got a bunch of new prints added to my collection!

A couple of months ago, I got:

L'APOCALISSE (The Apocalypse - 1947). Super rare film. Quite fascinating. I have a full review in the upcoming issue of BY THE GODS!

THE PHARAOHS' WOMAN (1960) - In widescreen. Image is murky but it's much better than the 4:3 print I posted on Youtube back 16 years ago. My friend in Europe did a great Fan Dub with it, adding the English audio.

CATHERINE OF RUSSIA (1963) - English audio from a cheapo Greek DVD. 


THE GOLDEN FALCON (1955) - Original print in English with credits in English!  A great addition. The file though is massive (12 gb)

THE BARBARIANS (1953) - In Italian. Oddly enough, I only had the English prints for years. Usually, it's the other way around.

Alan Steel and Elisa Montez

SAMSON AND THE MIGHTY CHALLENGE (1964; above) - Print in English with English credits. The print is not pristine but it's nice to see it in semi-widescreen in English! 

A SWORD IN THE SHADOWS (1961) - A great print in Italian. My friend in Europe added the English audio to it. No need to watch the terrible VHS print.

THE GOLDEN SALAMANDER (1962) - Beautiful print with new subs added. I have yet to watch it.

JACOB AND ESAU (1963) - Another super rare film. I now have two prints, both in Black & white even though movie was shot in color. Great to have this movie starring Ken Clark but I need a better print.

APHRODITE - GODDES OF LOVE (1958) - I already had multiple versions of this movie but I finally got an English Fan Dub!

I got a bunch of new acquisitions last week so I'll post about them in a new post which should be once a month (I'll post about them as long as I get stuff of course). And I'll post about those new Blu-rays and DVDs as well.

General Electric Theater

General Electric Theater was a TV series that ran from 1953 to 1962. I have to admit I've never seen an episode so I'm writing this with little info aside from Wikipedia (gasp) or IMDb. It was an anthology type of show that was 30 minutes long. During it's run, it featured episodes set in Antiquity. Or Bible stories, like this one called THE OTHER WISE MAN, or ABSALOM, MY SON. I wonder if these episode are available anywhere. I'd like to see these old episodes, no matter how theatrical they are. 

Addendun: I swear I searched THE OTHER WISE MAN on Google and nothing showed up and now it does. This episode can be seen on Youtube. Great for the Christmas season!

Monday, December 2, 2024


José Greci and company in HERCULES AGAINST THE MONGOLS (1963)

This is the end of an amazing scene in this movie. It's amazing for reasons I won't describe here but the director did a great job. The Mongols are about to break in the castle and the women, including Bianca (Greci), all prepare for the expected break-in. I don't know how they did the scene but the camera equipment wasn't the same as today. I'll let you watch it. The technique is so subtle that you might not notice it. This screenshot is from the recently released German combo DVD - Blur-ay. The screenshot is from the DVD!

PEPLUM Movie Poster

French poster of THE PRODIGAL (1955)

Gorgeous poster. I want it!

Friday, November 29, 2024

Image of the week!

Samarra (Lana Turner) assists Nahreeb (Louis Calhern) in the ceremony with the man (George Robotham) being offered as sacrificial offering in THE PRODIGAL (1955)

Roger Browne, R.I.P.

American actor Roger Browne died last month at the age of 94. He starred in a dozen or so PEPLUM movies before acting in Eurocult / Eurospy / Euro superhero movies. The first film I saw him in wasn't a PEPLUM but EMANUELLE IN AMERICA (1977), of all films. Anyway, when I eventually saw in PEPLUM movies, I was like, "Ah, that's him!" He has stated in an interview that he preferred doing Eurospy movies because PEPLUM movies were a lot of work. He was associated with director Michele Lupo, starring in 3 of his 'Slave' films. He started as extras in movies, like BARABBAS. He is in more movies but I haven't found him yet, including PONTIUS PILATE (1962).

Roger had a small role in BARABBAS (1961). I wrote in 2012 about his appearance in this movie even though he wasn't credited at IMDb back then. He has been added to the cast at IMDb since I posted this.

Roger, as Mars, and Annie Gorassini, as Venus, in VULCAN - SON OF JUPITER (1962). Roger's first big role. Below: with Iloosh Khoshabe, as Vulcan.

Roger in MARS - GOD OF WAR (1962). Roger played Mars twice, back to back, in two different productions. He's with Venus again, this time played by Jackie Lane. 

Roger was the main star of THE TEN GLADIATORS (1963), along with Dan Vadis and others in a crowded cast. The movie was a hit and two other movies were made but without him. Roger has two major fights in this movie. One is with Dan Vadis. And the other, below, with Mimmo Palmara. They are the highlights of the movie. Ultra brawny action!

Roger in SEVEN SLAVES AGAINST ROME (1963) with Pietro Marascalchi. Even more ultra brawny action! When he's not fighting and punching men, Roger was with Scilla Gabel (below).


Roger was still the lead in Michele Lupo's next 'Slave' movie: THE REVENGE OF THE GLADIATORS (1964) starring Gordon Mitchell, Scilla Gabel and others.


Roger was still the lead in the third and last 'Slave' movie directed by Lupo, SEVEN REBEL GLADIATORS (1965) starring Pietro Torrisi and Harold Bradley. Unlike the previous Lupo film, which was super serious, REBEL was an action comedy quasi slapstick.

Roger co-starred with Mimmo Palmara and Mario Novelli in the fun action adventure THREE SWORDS FOR ROME (1965). The three actually made a fun team. Unfortunately, by the time this movie was released the PEPLUM genre was dying a quick death so no sequels.


Roger's last role in a PEPLUM production was the TV pilot HERCULES AND THE PRINCESS OF TROY (1965).

Roger would also appear in SAMOA - QUEEN OF THE JUNGLE (1968) and KARZAN AND HIS MATE (1971), which can be perceived as falling under the PEPLUM umbrella.

In the 14 years I've been doing the blog, some people asked me how Roger was cast in PEPLUM movies, meaning they couldn't see him on the same level as Steve Reeves or Gordon Scott. Initially, he had a great physique but it became more ordinary as time went on. Just look at how big he appeared in BARABBAS. He was always up to the task. His brawny fights are all memorable. RIP.