Wednesday, October 23, 2019

BY THE GODS!: How a Mark Forest movie became a Giuliano Gemma one…

Check out BY THE GODS!


  1. Thanks for posting. With glistening pecs, Giuliano looks extreme buff in this flick, maybe that's why they put him on the cover.

    I've always been disappointed by the "fullscreen" and subsequent matted WS versions of this film, but just picked up a pristine, FULL 2:35 aspect ratio version from Artus Films (French dub only). It reveals splendid jungle and ocean vistas and brilliant feather costumes of the "Inca." So good I'm picking up their other PAL DVDs off

  2. Mark was also quite buff in this but yes Giuliano was more buff than usual. I have the HD widescreen copy from French TV broadcast. I don't know if I should get the new French DVD...
