Friday, July 26, 2019

Patricia Laffan Mystery Solved

Patricia Laffan played Poppaea in QUO VADIS (1951). For years, there was a mystery over if she was dead or alive. She was born in 1919 and just a few years ago there was no date of death attributed to her anywhere, not even at IMDb. I've noticed this as well years ago, wondering if she was one of the last stars of the film to be alive. It seems that by 2016 the date of her death was finally known. She died on March 10th, 2014. That was five years ago. And many are only learning about it now. IMDb has also been updated. A belated R.I.P.. Thanks to Graham for this tidbit of information.


  1. I didn't know until seeing this post. Until recently, all of the sites I saw (IMDB, Cinemorgue, Wikipedia) listed her as "(1919- )." All of those have now been updated.

    Offhand, I don't know of any other peplum appearances, although Quo Vadis alone is significant.

    She also starred in the schlock sci-fi Devil Girl From Mars, which has a cult following as a camp classic.


  2. Pat did a really first class job as Poppea in QUO VADIS.

    Claudette Colbert was equally good in the same role in SIGN OF THE CROSS (1932).

  3. Patricia Laffin is also very good in 23 Paces to Baker Street.

    1. A painting of patricia laffan was done by nicholas egon because she wasnt allowed to wear a scanty dress by the censors the painting was done instead I'm trying to find out what film it was used for and where it is now

  4. A painting of patricia laffan was done by nicholas egon because she wasnt allowed to wear a scanty dress by the censors the painting was done instead I'm trying to find out what film it was used for and where it is now

  5. Always thought Patricia Laffan deserved an Oscar for her performace as Poppaea in Quo Vadis!
