Friday, April 4, 2014

Uncredited actors in THE BACCHANTES

The cast of THE BACCHANTES is huge. There are a lot of supporting/background actors who are not credited in the film's credits, at IMDb or anywhere else on the internet or books.

Enzo Fiermonte is credited and I included him as way to show how one actor is credited but another actor standing next to him is not.

Benito Stefanelli, Nello Pazzafini and Franco Cobianchi are not credited anywhere, in any books or websites. There are other actors in this film which are not credited so more to come in the near future. I'll write a review of this great film soon.

Another exclusive internet first only to be found here at the PEPLUM TV blog.


Brrrodie the Westie said...

Incredible ... how do you do it?

PEPLUM TV said...

By watching a lot of PEPLUM films. I love them. ;-)