Monday, March 18, 2013

REVAK THE REBEL - Dance sequence

Dance sequence from REVAK THE REBEL

I previously uploaded this but the quality was bad so here's a better version.


  1. Well, finally, an authentic ancient dance scene, where pianos and clarinets haven't been invented yet. Really nice drumming, in how they were able to increase the drama to the very end. I did find myself wondering, though, what would happen to the slave with the big fan had he dropped the fan too low and hit the queen on her head. That would be worth 100 lashes at least.

  2. Do you know where I can buy a copy of the movie Revak the Rebel on DVD or VHS? My sister-in-law's father wrote the screenplay, and I want to get a copy for her, for her birthday. Thank you.
    -Sue Kayton
