Saturday, March 23, 2013

From conception to final film

Here's a collection of photos showing the stages of the making of the famous Peacock dress for Hedy Lamarr in SAMSON & DELILAH.


  1. I bought the DVD, and I was very disappointed by the film (talky and very boring plot, cardboard characters, extremely low-budget "visuals"*, peppered with some pretentious preaching - *practically every scene is sound-staged, save for a few clumsy rare projections).

    I think, Cecil B. DeMille is the most overrated director of all. (I found SAMSON AND DELILAH being even worse that TEN COMMANDMENTS - which just did not seem possible...)

  2. I am awaiting my new DVD of this movie, and if you don't already have it I will fill you in.

  3. The DVD is great!! Some people must realize that all Epics made back in the Golden Age of Hollywood were filmed on HUGE Sound Stages. Many of the so-called Epics of today are filmed on Sound Stages and use computer generated effects. Anyway if you didn't see these 2 DeMille movies on the Big Screen then you missed an awful lot 30 ft Screens or maybe larger. I saw Samson & Delilah in a rerelease when I was 8yrs. old and Ten Commandments when I was 9. I have seen many Epics growing up on the Big Screen and I have learned to appreciate the efforts of all those that made these movies possible. I LOVE THE PEPS!!

  4. O too like Peplum (for their merit) - that is why I dislike C B DeMille's [above mentioned] films.

    And I have no problem with HUGE sound stages at all - I have problem with SMALL sound stages (especially, if they are not accompanied/balanced out with a good plot...). In my opinion, C B DeMille's films are low-budget production featuring ridiculous plots and pretentious acting.

    THEN COMMANDMENTS, for example, is like a propaganda in reverse; as a viewer, I am actually rooting for Ramses - and especially for Nefertiti... (today, I think the act of Moses - who seems to be a bewildered fool - would be considered terrorism [e.g., in the process of showing up power, causing innocent's death: the pharaoh's little child, other first born sons, etc.])

  5. Sorry for the many typos (and I hope that my opinion did not offend anyone).

  6. Did anyone know that a lot of the props and the wardrobe used in the TEN COMMANDMENTS were bought by Paramount from 20th Century Fox? They are from THE EGYPTIAN. Fox sold them to make up some of the losses they suffered from THE EGYPTIAN which under performed at the Box Office(FLOPPED). Pal, did you ever see the 2005 version of the TEN COMMANDMENTS? Doug Ray Scott plays a great Moses and this is a Mini Series that follows the Book of Exodus. One Question: was it all right for the Pharaoh to have all new born sons of the Hebrews killed? Moses did not kill the first born of the Egyptians GOD DID!!

  7. Yes, I did know about that props (and BTW I really enjoy THE EGYPTIAN for its great visuals and intelligent plot).

    No, I did not see the 2005 version.

    No, it was not right from the Pharaoh to have kill innocent people (youngsters), but Moses seems to be as vengeful as any crazy dictator.

    I agree that God (as depicted in the movie) committed the actual murders - but to me, Moses and God act like two terrorist buddies in TEN COMMANDMENTS (one is a complete idiot, the other one a vengeful and selfish psychopath - again, I am talking about the imaginary characters in the film). I have no sympathy for any of them...
