Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Photo of the Day

Pontius Pilate (Jean Marais) interrogates Jesus (John Drew Barrymore) in PONTIUS PILATE

This film is rare. It's almost never shown in its English version. I have the German DVD for this one and the image is beautiful. It has a grand production feel to it even though it's not as big as Hollywood production. Brad Pitt is reportedly set to play Pilate in a new film from Warner. I don't know if Pitt has the gravitas to play such a nuanced character.


  1. I saw this on TV over 30 yrs. ago. I wonder why this movie never made it back to TV or DVD in the US or Canada. This was interesting with Barrymore playing Judas and Jesus. A strong movie which I thought was reverent and excellent. If it was up to me Daniel Day Lewis would play Pilate, because he can play any part, his Lincoln was superb!!

  2. Daniel Day Lewis would be a better choice for Pontius Pilate than Brad Pitt but Brad brings in the big bucks and that's how Hollywood works.

  3. I recently got a copy of this but not got around to seeing yet, I shall have to rectify that!

  4. I have seen it on French VSH preservation DVD and it is a good film. Jean Marais is has the necessary gravitas.
