Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Photo of the Day

Aesop (Turhan Bey) greets Delarai (Merle Oberon) in A NIGHT IN PARADISE (1946)

Also known as simply NIGHT IN PARADISE, this seldom seen PEPLUM was a big flop in 1946 with an estimated cost of $1.6 million, which was a lot back then. I don't have this film in my collection and I haven't seen in its entirety but you can view several clips of this big studio bound film on Youtube and TCM. The film still draws sharp criticism but after viewing the scenes, I believe the people who hated it or are still hating it hate it because of the PEPLUM genre in general not necessarily because the film is bad. Turhan died this year at the age of 95. RIP.

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