Thursday, May 24, 2012

Photo of the Day

Emiliano aka Goliath (Steve Reeves) lifts Igor (Livio Lorenzon) in GOLIATH AND THE BARBARIANS

Did Steve really lift Livio on his own? He was probably aided by some cable.


  1. He may well have been strong enough to lift the guy by himself. Remember in the second Hercules movie he lifted up over his head that Primo wrestler guy and moved over to the cliff where he supposedly threw him over into the water below. There certainly wasn't a cable in that scene, although you could tell that Steve was straining doing it. He had trouble walking while keeping Primo in the air, but he did it nonetheless.

  2. True but with movies when you have to repeat the same scene several times I think it would have been normal to have a cable help him lift the guy.

  3. Yes, as much for the safety of the guy being lifted as anything.

  4. This was an assisted cable lift. If you watch the actual scene, Reeves' character reaches down, grabs the character of Igor (who is lying unconscious on the ground) by his clothes, and slowly "lifts" him over his head. The center of gravity of Igor's body as his rises makes it clear that a cable is doing the work. FYI: Reeves difficult lifting stunts were often performed by a stunt man. In MORGAN THE PIRATE, Reeves character lifts an enemy pirate over his head aboard ship, and throws him into the sea. Watch the scene closely. The lift and throw are performed by his stunt man.

  5. reeves severely injured his shoulder during the filming of one of the hercules films (i forget which one), and subsequently could not lift as much weight as before, and therefore lost muscle mass which is evident in all his films following the hercules pair. he could not have lifted lorenzon without assistance without experiencing extreme shoulder pain.
