Sunday, May 27, 2012

PEPLUM Special Effects

The matte painting process for BEN-HUR (1959). The artist uses a B&W photo taken from the sequence itself and created the painting around it on a sheet of glass. The black space is actually a clear part of the glass where the live action will appear in. I always loved these.

1 comment:

  1. Love the way they did this the entire process is awesome. The scenes are made more spectacular and one can't really tell what is real and what isn't. I like what they did for the arena shot it blends in well, and one wouldn't know that from where the chariots entered without the matte you could see the city of Rome. One other movie had a neat layout ATTILA (TV MINISERIES) in which they constructed the Roman Forum and they only did the bottom part then they built a model of the whole forum and incorporated the top of the model into all the shots real neat. Love this stuff!!
