Monday, November 7, 2011

Photo of the Day


Sometimes I feel like I'm an encyclopedia of PEP info but then again sometimes I feel like I know nothing at all. Case in point, the TV series LEGEND OF THE SEEKER. I think I saw a few ads years ago but never thought anything from them. So fast forward a few years and I came across this video uploaded at Youtube and the whole thing was about torture and such (it was linked to one of the videos I've uploaded at my PEP Youtube channel; the clip was also a torture clip). I thought WTH is this. And then I had to look at many other clips.

The show lasted two seasons, and like everything else these days, the two seasons are uploaded at Youtube. I started watching it and I just couldn't get into it. The acting and again the modern aesthetics are off putting, certainly the acting. It was shot in New Zealand, same thing as XENA, which I never was able to get into. The show seemed to have been  targeted towards women (it's very soapy) and their approach with the whole kinky torture aspect is a really head-scratching anachronistic thing. Looks more like something on Cinemax.

But when I read that it's based on Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series of novels, I went "now everything makes sense" and knew why I couldn't get into it. I tried to read the first book and I had to stop halfway through. Not a fan of Goodkind but there are tons of Terry Goodkind fans out there. One just has to look at the gazillion Fan made videos on Youtube which tells me the fans are a tad obsessive and kinda scary, to say the least.

But I like the shot above from the opening credit of the second season.

1 comment:

  1. I remember watching the first torture program in the first season, which apparently brought so much positive email that even though he had escaped the beauteous torture lady and stabbed her in the gut, in the second season he got captured by her again and then she got to do other evil things to him. Did he ever get to kill that bad king guy, like he wanted to? The hero started out as a simple tree-cutter, which apparently did his body a lot of good.
