Monday, September 26, 2011

Movie Poster Mondays

US poster for the b-movie SINS OF JEZEBEL starring Paulette Goddard. Have you see it?

The film starts with a narrator describing the beginning of life on earth, narrated by John Hoyth. Then the camera pulls out of a painting and we see John as modern-day minister and he then gives us a sermon about sin and satan. I then realize "oh, it's one of those film...". Very low budget Bible studies kind of film. In Ansco Color (which is another name for Agfa)! Hoyt appears as the modern day minister during the film (which took me out of it)  and it ends with him, giving us a mini-sermon with a slight (corny) twist. For me, the film was more the John Hoyt show than a saucy Paulette Goddard one. Not the fun camp film I expected with such a title and poster. Stodgy is the word I would use to describe it.

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