Tuesday, October 15, 2024

HD Alert!

More like Cinematic Confusion Alert!

The movie above is supposed to be the German Blu-ray release of HERCULES AGAINST THE BARBARIANS (1964). The title printed on the cover artwork says GENGHIS KHAN. If I look at the movie's listing at Amazon Germany, it shows the Blu-ray but the info says it's the Omar Sharif version of Genghis Khan. 


The image is the Mark Forest movie but the info says it's the Omar Sharif movie.

So I tried to check elsewhere and it's the same:


The cover of the Blu-ray disc and the info at JPC says it's the Mark Forest movie but the screenshots show the Omar Sharif movie.

I'm so confused.

I reported the issue at Amazon Germany so it might be fixed eventually but these screenshots show what's going on.

Then & Now: David Brandon

David in CALIGULA: THE UNTOLD STORY (1982); Present day David.

Monday, October 14, 2024


Livio Lorenzon and Tamara Lees in A SWORD IN THE SHADOWS (1961) 

This is a fun movie with a lot of twists and turns. It's also the last film of Tamara Lees, who started acting in the late 1940s, mainly playing the exotic mysterious femme fatale type. It worked: she was statuesque and mysterious looking. Her role in THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF GUERRIN MESCHINO (1952) sums up her career. By the time she appeared in this movie, she was more the frumpy, matronly type. It's not surprising she quit acting. I know very little of her. She has a career that sorta paralleled the one of Gianna Maria Canale, who also stopped acting in the same period. I got a new copy of this movie which is a vast improvement over the VHS quality English version I had. This version is in Italian.

PEPLUM Movie Poster

Japanese poster of THE WHITE WARRIOR (1959) 

I love Japanese posters and this one is no exception. There's no scene like this one pictured here in the movie but it doesn't matter.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Image of the week!

Glauco (Ed Fury) is surrounded by Amazons, including Antiope (Dorian Grey), who is being sentenced for breaking the law of the Sacred Girdle in COLOSSUS AND THE AMAZON QUEEN (1960)


Richard Harrison on the cover of Manual magazine. Feb 1965. 
Great cover!

Thursday, October 10, 2024


Robert Hardy as Caius Martius in THE SPREAD OF THE EAGLE (1963)

I recently got the entire series from my good source and I'm trying to watch this production based on the works of William Shakespeare: CORIOLANUS, JULIUS CAESAR and ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA. Trying is the word. I like it but there are so many characters, unnamed characters, that it's hard to follow. I wish the names of the characters appeared below them when they first appear. Or some chart. There are many actors I'm not familiar with and putting a name to them can be a confusing process. As I've said, I like it but this crowded cast is a chore. Part of the series is on Youtube.


Director Stanley Kubrick on the set of SPARTACUS (1960)

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Clip of the week: ATLAS IN THE LAND OF THE CYCLOPS (1961)

Atlas (Gordon Mitchell) saves the day! With Chelo Alonso. 


With a few prompts, new PEPLUM art by AI. 


Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Scenes from THE PHARAOHS' WOMAN (1960)

This excellent movie has multiple matte paintings in it, including these two scenes. The image is in widescreen but not the sharpest. But you can still see the quality of the work. Joseph Nathanson is credited for special effects.

GOLDEN movies!

There are a good number of PEPLUM movies with GOLDEN in their titles. Here's a quick list!


THE GOLDEN HORDE (1951). The granddaddy of them all. Very entertaining.


THE GOLDEN BLADE (1953). Starring Rock Hudson is this fun adventure.


THE GOLDEN FALCON (1955). Beautiful film.



THE GOLDEN ARROW (1962). Popular fantasy with Tab Hunter and Rossana Podesta.

THE GOLDEN SALAMANDER (1962). I just got this movie in a beautiful print. Not released in English.


THE GOLDEN ASS (1970). Yes, this is a real movie. Ass as in donkey.


THE GOLDEN THING (1972). The story of JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS but played with a cast of children. 

THE GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINBAD (1973), which re-ignited a short-lived PEPLUM explosion in the early to mid-1970s.


GOLDEN TEMPLE AMAZONS (1986). Directed by Jess Franco.

Monday, October 7, 2024


Hildegard Knef, as Catherine, and Giacomo Rossi Stuart in togas from CATHERINE OF RUSSIA (1963)

Directed by Umberto Lenzi, this is pretty solid PEPLUM 'historical' drama. It has all the trappings of a PEPLUM movie, including cast. Hildegard didn't act in many PEPLUM movies but Giacomo is a regular. There's also Sergio Fantoni, Enzo Fiermonte, Tullio Altamura, etc. It's always fun to see a pulpy Italian version of historical figures. In this scene, they have a Roman party of sorts, which a nod to the genre. For now, there's no clean pristine copy of this film in English. It was released on DVD in France but there's no English audio. There is an English version from a Greek DVD but it's pan and scan with Greek subs. Oh well..

PEPLUM Movie Poster

German poster of APHRODITE - GODDESS OF LOVE (1958)

Nice artwork. Very colourful.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Image of the week!

A dying Alexander (Richard Burton) says his last words to Barsine (Claire Bloom) and Roxane (Teresa Del Rio) in ALEXANDER THE GREAT (1956)

At the movies...

 CLEOPATRA (1963) playing at the Victoria theatre in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Thursday, October 3, 2024


Atlas (Gordon Mitchell) tries to push a boulder down to block a road in ATLAS IN THE LAND OF THE CYCLOPS (1961)

This is one of the best PEPLUM musclemen movies as it hits all the right PEPLUM buttons in one movie, including this familiar action. I can think of a dozen movies with just this rock pushing action. It's fun. There's nothing more to it. It's just fun stuff. The movie is smogasborg of everything PEPLUM.


Steve Reeves and Mylène Demongeot in costume for the filming of THE GIANT OF MARATHON (1959) while visiting a shop on a publicity tour.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Clip of the week: THE PHARAOHS' WOMAN (1960)

Ramses (Armando Francioli) goes after Akis (Linda Cristal). Clip from new copy not seen anywhere else. Great film!


Maria Felix as Messalina in THE AFFAIRS OF MESSALINA (1951)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

HD Alert!

Scenes from LAND OF THE PHARAOHS (1955) starring Jack Hawkins

Not an alert but just that I got it in HD. The image is a clear upgrade to the DVD. Colors are really rich. My one complaint is the movie seems to have a reddish tint to it. Interior scenes are nice but exterior scenes, like the one below, are spectacular. Well worth buying.

Vintage Article

Old article on SANDOKAN THE GREAT (1963) starring Steve Reeves.

Monday, September 30, 2024


Gloria Milland and Alan Steel, as Commodus, in URSUS - THE REBEL GLADIATOR (1962)

Alan Steel plays Commodus. Gloria plays his mate. They make a great couple. It's sorta rare to see couples in the way it's portrayed in this movie. Alan is quite good as Commodus. More interesting than the one seen in other films. Gloria is always fun to watch. She excelled in PEPLUM movies. The title of this movie is confusing. The English title, THE REBEL GLADIATORS, doesn't make much sense since the main rebellious gladiator is Ursus, played by Dan Vadis. It's sometimes simply referred to as THE REBEL GLADIATOR. URSUS - THE REBEL GLADIATOR is the correct title. 

PEPLUM Movie Poster

French poster of ROMULUS AND THE SABINES (1961) 

A fun comedy of rape for the whole family! Seriously, nice poster.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Image of the week!

Emiliano (Steve Reeves), aka Goliath, is put to the test in GOLIATH AND THE BARBARIANS (1959)