Monday, March 24, 2025


Gianna Maria Canale and Moira Orfei in THE QUEEN OF THE PIRATES (1960)

I wonder if Gianna enjoyed making pirate movies. She's either the passive beautiful heroine (COLOSSUS AND THE AMAZON QUEEN), the active beautiful villainess (GOLIATH AND THE VAMPIRES), or the active beautiful heroine, like this movie. It would make part of a great pirate triple feature with TIGER OF THE SEVEN SEAS (1962) and THE LION OF ST MARK (1963) with Gianna as the active beautiful heroine. There weren't that many pirate movies with the lead being female. She made over a dozen films between 1960 and 1962 and she would soon retire after that. It's great to see her along with Moira. I wish they had made more films together. Additional note: in a drastic change for PEPLUM movies, the good gal has dark hair/brunette and the villainess, played by Scilla Gabel, is blond. It's usually the other way around.

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