Thursday, March 20, 2025


Ed Fury and Rod Taylor having fun in COLOSSUS AND THE AMAZON QUEEN (1960)

Of all the PEPLUM comedies, this one seems to draw the most ire. Italian PEPLUM comedies never translated well into English and this one is no exception but I like it and watched many times (and will watch it again...). It is well reported that emerging Hollywood star Rod Taylor, who did THE TIME MACHINE around this time and would become a regular star in the 1960s, was asked why he did this movie and the simple answer is that he was reportedly dating Anita Ekberg, who made many movies in Italy during this period. Both Ed and Rod are clearly not taking this production seriously and their goofy demeanour makes it that more fun to watch. The question is: how much were they paid? 😆 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. This is a fun one to watch.