Thursday, December 19, 2013

PEPLUM Fashion : Subligaculum

Popular or common piece of clothing worn in Ancient Rome or Greece. The illustration shows the steps of how to fit a subligaculum around one's waist. The little statue shows a gladiator wearing it. Below is a modern day example of such a garment. Below that is a fresco showing women wearing a female version of a subligaculum. And the last photo shows Steve Reeves wearing one for his HERCULES films.


  1. Thank you for the instruction on this. I never knew any of it before. Poor Hercules. Finally, fighting somebody who can knock him around.

  2. Yes, thanks for the info! As I'm preparing my own amateur peplum film (of a sort) that's very valuable. I hadn't found any instructions on this particular garment, which is a must-have, of course!

  3. Glad you guys enjoyed it.

    Richard, once your project is completed make sure to share it :-)

  4. I actually did a peplum genre-inspired film some years ago. It's a take-off on the Gilgamesh myth. It's quite primitive, with passable bluescreen effects, but with decent costumes and lots of stop-motion monsters (which is my main passion). It's in Swedish, but subtitled.
